Thursday, December 18, 2008

Prayer for our Country

Today I expressed my dismay with the proposed abortion bailout with a friend. And she started crying... I became ashamed that it hadn't brought tears to my eyes today. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives and circumstances that we forget that there's a lot going on... that does effect our everyday lives.

So, friends, I ask you to pray for our country; for our current president and the president elect. And, I would also request that you take a look at or to learn more about the 50 page proposal put together by abortion groups asking for tax payer dollars of over $1.5 billion to fund the abortion industry.

There are Legislative Action Alerts on the bottom third of the Susan B. Anthony List website which allow you to learn more and also help to keep tax dollars out of the abortion industry.

I have been silent since the election. I simply cannot be silent today. The unborn babies need a voice. They need your voice too.

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