Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Chaos of Fall

I love autumn. Maybe because I look forward to the order that comes. The weather has specific patterns, at least in a perfect world. Michigan has cool sunny days and cooler nights, right? ;) The crispness of the air is intensified as the leaves turn and fall.

Then, you have a school schedule. Elementary through doctoral programs all have a certain rule and order to them. I like order.

But, why does it have to be such a shock to the system to fall into order? I started my seminary classes today. I'm thrilled because, Lord willing, I will graduate in May! Hooray!!!! At the same time, I just don't quite feel ready and willing to let go of my summer break just yet.

For everyone fighting the chaos of fall... Hang on! Soon we will all settle in and appreciate the normalcy of life. Just in time for the mayhem of the holiday season. Ha ha ha. Just to encourage you!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Hey Amy...I LOVE your frequent updates and loads of pictures! (was that sarcasm i hear??!!)

I check-in to see what you're up to...help me out!!