Monday, March 10, 2008


I arrived safe and sound.  This visit my internet access is not as easy as it has been in the past, but I will do my best to keep you updated.

As I was walking this morning, I was thinking of the irony that I travel here alone but when in the US never go anywhere without someone.  Perhaps this is traveling, but it feels like everyday life.  Not really sure.  And, here I cannot just blurt things out to strangers when I feel the need to talk.  Well, I could but they would just look at me oddly.

Today is busy with planning and trying to get the rest of my time here organized.  It's good to see friends.  I spent the day Sunday at church and at a woman's birthday party.  The token American who stopped on the way to buy flowers... it will get you in the door of almost any Ukrainian!

Got to run.  More plans to arrange.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

no 2 alike

Every time I travel I am amazed at the diversity of the human race. This last week I presented 'How to Teach Creatively with Music' and we talked about how our God is so amazingly creative...

When you look at 20 people walking by in an airport, or maybe even 2 people passing by, you can't help but be amazed at the fact that no 2 humans on the face of the earth are identical.And, each of us has been uniquely gifted. So, the fact that I am thrilled to go back to Ukraine today and meet with churches with active drug rehab programs and learn about how they are challenged with the issues of the disease on a daily basis would send chills up and down some others spines. Hmm.

Be thankful for who you are and what God has in store!I'll keep you posted. Stay tuned. No 2 alike.